Extent 38 Care studios
Client Carebeek
Architect Lengkeek architecten en ingenieurs bv
Consultancy firm Adviesburo J. van Toorenburg B.V.
Contractor Aannemersbedrijf Groothuis
Installer Scheer en Foppen Installatietechniek B.V.
Oplevering Februari 2022
Care concept
In the middle of the park at Kalenderweg in Almere, a new residential care building with 38 care studio apartments was commissioned by care institution Carebeek. The building is intended as a small-scale residential facility for people with psychogeriatric conditions requiring ‘24-hour care’. There is also a meeting space in the building. The layout of the building was carefully considered with all stakeholders, in conjunction with the Care Concept.
Type of climate control
In this new construction, the ClimaRad Comfort Solution was selected for the studios. This solution consists of the ClimaRad Care H1C ventilation unit in the living space combined with the ClimaRad B-Fan for extraction in the bathroom. These various components are wirelessly connected and provide an optimal indoor climate. In addition, the ClimaRad Ventura V1C was selected for a number of studios due to a parapet that was too low; only a vertical unit could be applied. The central meeting room is also equipped with the Care H1C ventilation units.
The climate units applied have sensors that constantly measure air quality. This is used as a basis for determining the amount of ventilation required. The built-in heat recovery system reuses the heat from the exhaust air to preheat the supplied clean air from outside. This ensures that the living environment is comfortable, without drafts and also achieves substantial energy savings. Underfloor heating was not added to the apartments because it does not adequately heat and cool. The convector in the ClimaRad units provides active heating/cooling to swiftly achieve the right climate.